Co-creation according to a cradle-to-cradle approach
Fonds d’urbanisation et d’aménagement du Kirchberg
As part of the launch of a new pilot process entitled ‘Positively defined co-creation process according to a cradle-to-cradle approach: Celebrating diversity for a long-term healthy growth’, the Kirchberg Fund has adopted a novel systemic approach for which the press and web communication has been entrusted to Services for Creatives.
Web and press communication

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In view of the development of the Kirchberg plateau, the Fund's mission is constantly evolving to meet new challenges. One of the Fund's objectives is to achieve a diversified and quality territory that is a great place to live and work, now and in the future. Conscious of its role as an initiator of innovative projects and in order to offer a global response to the challenges facing society and the consequences for its future, the Fund has developed, together with C2C experts, a new approach to co-create projects in line with the C2C philosophy (cradle-to-cradle).
The Fund therefore intends to foster the development of responsible projects, with a positive impact for both the site and its users. The idea is to do good (as opposed to 'less bad'), and to pass on a positive heritage to future generations.

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